-Nominated for Bratislava Award, 2019. -Selected Artist for Sharjah Illustration of Children’s Books Exhibition’ Catalogue. -Selected Book in SEPIDAR Prize, 2017. -Selected Illustrator of NARDEBAN Publication, 2016. -Selected Illustrator of BAHARESTAN National Festival, 2015.
Instances of Published Books:
Book: What to be wear
-The Most Beautiful Dress in the World, Nardeban, 2019 -New Year, not Like Other Years, Tuti, 2018. -What Shall I Wear?, Tuti, 2017. -Hedgehog and Turtie, Mehrab-e-Ghalam,2017. -Sluttish Miss Aala, Nardeban, 2017. -The Jungle Ghost, Nardeban, 2017. -Nargol and Mockingbird, Nardeban, 2016. -Nargol and Jackal, Nardeban, 2016.
Book :Tuki Tuki
Pen and Pencil Marker Watercolor Acrylic Digital painting Working on Textile, canvas and different