Character Design

Notable Rewards:

-Nominated for “Bratislava Award”(2019)
-Selected Books in SEPIDAR prize (2017)
-one of the 5 selected books and 138 books in “Praise of Life and the World”(2016)
-2nd prize of Gouache section in the cultural and artistic events of “National Solidarity and Public Participation”(2006)
-Admitted poster to the student section of “the 8th Kharazmi Festival”(2006)

Instances of Published Books:

-“The Full-Moon Mom & The Whole Sun Daddy“ (2014), the National Museum of Iran.
-“The King of the Bright Land”, Fanni Publication.
-“The Ladybug Cookies”, Fanni Publication.
-“An Army in Refrigerator”, Fanni Publication.
-“The Houses”, Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults Publication.
-“The Chang’s Flying to the Moon”, Elmi Farhangi Publication.
-“Where Are You Lili?, Tuti Books Publication.


-Pen, Pencil
-Digital Painting

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